Things Crusader Kings Say Average ratng: 4,7/5 8650 votes

Crusader Kings II. Now is the time for greatness. Increase your lands and fill your coffers, appoint vassals, battle traitors, introduce laws while interacting with hundreds of nobles, and create the most powerful dynasty of medieval Europe. A beleaguered king will always have friends to support him. For the first time start using the fort. New buildings in the Fort that will be your first defense against their enemies. New buildings with maintenance cost. New system in which you can close buildings if you have too much trouble to keep them. ADD; Garrison, Garrison Camp, Pantry, Star Fort. The Crusader Kings II wiki says here that you can gain control of holy orders and mercenaries. It explains that this happens if a vassal mercenary company or holy order gains a title such as a kingdom, and its succession law supercedes the mercenary company's or holy order's default succession law of open, then the company will be passed along dynastic lines.

  1. Crusader Kings 2 Great Work
Things crusader kings say 2Kings

. I SHALL PAVE THE ROADS OF MY EMPIRE WITH BODIES OF DEAD MUSLIMS!. Alright Jews, hand over your Jew gold and get the fuck out.


My son is so much better that I am.Dammit why won't I die!. I don't care if you're married, you're my woman now, and if you don't like it I'll use you for the next Blot. I'm pretty sure my child is demon-spawn, should I kill it?. Going to the monastery this weekend, man I am going to get fucked up.

That man took my position on the kings council.I shall not rest until his entire family has died by my hands.

Crusader Kings 2 Great Work

I’ve counted my plots before they hatched, I’ve duked it out with my brothers and sons, and I’ve lorded over an entire continent. Now, having lost more than I’ve gained and suffered more than I’ve succeeded, I’m finally ready to share Wot I Think about the majestic.Did the word majestic give it away, or did already give you an inkling of how I feel about the strategic role-playing grandeur of Paradox’ latest?It’s more than a bit good at what it does so rather than immediately talking about how much I’ve fallen for its brutish charms, I’m going to try and summarise exactly what that is first. What does Crusader Kings II set out to do?The most important difference between this game and the vast majority of grand strategy titles is that it’s all about characters. There are thousands of the blighters populating the world at any one time, with skills, traits, personalities, jobs and relationships. You are one of them. You’re not a country or a culture, you’re a bloke, or less frequently a blokess, with a family, some friends and a huge gallery of foes. When you die, you’ll take control of your heir following the lines of succession in your locality.There are big players, like kings, the Pope and his antis, and the occasional emperor, but mostly there are courtiers, waiting to be plucked from relative obscurity, landed with position and maybe even some land, and then cut back down to size when they start bulging out of their boots.

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