Sims 4 Pet Training Skill Average ratng: 4,0/5 8259 votes
Pet training games
  1. Pet Training On Tv
  2. Sims 4 Pet Training Skill Levels

Mar 11, 2019  The Sims 4: Cats And Dogs brings a vet career, pet training skill, new aspiration and traits. There are two ways to explore what this expansion pack has to offer. You can start from scratch and play the game start to finish as a story-putting in the hours to advance through the veterinarian career and train your pets. Pet Training will increase in level whenever you order a pet to do anything, good or bad. For example, pets may become aggressive at other animals or Sims, wake your human Sim up unnecessarily. This Sims 4: Cats and Dogs guide will show you how to age-up dogs, age-up cats, age-down dogs, and age-down cats. This can be done in a variety of ways, and aging your pets can have positive side.

Pet Training On Tv

Sims 4 Pet Training Skill

Sims 4 Pet Training Skill Levels

Set skill level CommandsAfter triggering the testingcheats true code, use the Stats.setskilllevel at the console window.