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The World at War maps were ported over in the Hardened and Prestige versions of Call of Duty: Black Ops, and feature Black Ops cold war weapons as well as some of the original World at War weapons (e.g. Kar98k, Thompson, FG42, etc.).

Cod waw

Cod Waw Guns List 1

3956d agoYAY! Martyrdom returns.

And here I thought I wasn't going to be able to read and hear people crying about how unrealistic Martyrdom is in a game where you get shot and go hide in a corner for a few seconds and heal or respawn after every death. Or better yet, here stupid people cry about Martyrdom killing them when in reality they were the stupid one to rush in after dropping someone. Can not wait.Playing dead could be a good perk but the reality is that it's going to be used obnoxiously but obnoxious people. 3956d ago (Edited 3956d ago )Since when was paying $60 for the same game with new skins acceptable?I completely understand reusing the idea of perks since they were so successful, but shouldn't we expect Treyarch to come up with a bit more than just 5 of their own? What's next, am I going to have to be a brigadier general just to unlock a government-issue m1 carbine? Seriously, how is Treyarch getting away with making a carbon-copy of CoD4?I love CoD4 to death, and i'd love to play more of it, but it's a bit unfair when games like Vegas 2 or Brothers in Arms 2 get crucified for being too much like their predecessors, when this one is all like 'OMG they aDDED pERKS agaIN W00t LOL!!!!!!' Our love for CoD4 has demoralized Treyarch into finding every last d!ck in the universe to suck since all they're doing now is trying to clone CoD4 using a WW2 setting.


Waw Weapons

Basically they're clinging to IW and milking CoD4. Nobody ever liked franchises to take the easy way out, why is CoD any different all of a sudden? 3956d agoyeah i think they should have made more new perks,its just gonna be cod4 but with crappier weapons and new maps.still will buy waw but dont think the single player or mp will touch cod4.hate the martyrdom perk,only perk that rewards you for playing badly,and most people who get killed by martyrdom are not people who they just killed,its some other guy who comes round a corner into it.anyway search and destroy on hardcore is the best mode as juggernaut dont make much difference in that.

Cod Waw German Campaign Mod

Portal knights gold throne pack. This year's installment of Call of Duty takes the series in a very different direction than the last several iterations. It goes back in time to a bygone Call of Duty era. WWII brings back the 'boots on the ground' gameplay the vocal community has been crying out for, and from what we've seen so far, it has been very well received.The return to historical combat also means a return to historical weapons, and if you're looking for details on the hardware you're in the right place. Here's a complete list of every weapon, piece of equipment and scorestreak announced for Call of Duty: WWII.And at the bottom you'll find information on the latest found in COD:WWII game files. These may or may not make it to the game, but they're likely in testing right now.