5x5 Workout Plan Calculator Average ratng: 3,8/5 7475 votes

5/3/1 CALCULATOR. Jim Wendler’s 5/3/1 program has become incredibly popular because it’s simple and it works for a lot of people. If you’re a patient intermediate lifter or a smart advanced lifter and you want to get stronger by making deliberate and steady progress each month then follow this program.

April 9, 2017Jim Wendler has a new book on the way:. April 9, 2017The site now is now served securely with https using.

October 13, 2015Added the Building the Monolith template. March 22, 2015Added a 0.75 pound/kilogram plate input. January 16, 2015A generous donation supported the addition of the Full Body, Full Boring template from Wendler’s book.

5x5 Workout Percentage Calculator

5x5 bench press calculator

December 23, 2014I've moved the Assistance Template selection to the top of the form and renamed it just Template because with Wendler’s newer templates even which main lifts are used is controlled by your template choice. For example, the Beach Body Challenge has hang cleans but no other template does. It isn't a world of just press, dead, bench, squat anymore. December 22, 2014A generous donation supported the addition of a bodybuilding template from. December 21, 2014It’s the shortest day of the year. Time to start thinking about your beach body!

I’ve added the template. This template is not really 5/3/1 at all but it’s from Wendler and definitely reflects his way of thinking. December 18, 2014Fixed the Simplest Strength template. Now you can enter your maxes for the big assistance exercises: incline press, close-grip bench press, front squat, and stiff-leg deadlift. Simplest Strength is a great template that Wendler has promoted heavily.

I hope these changes to the calculator encourage more people to try it for a few cycles. December 17, 2014Thanks to Rippetoe’s lectures, we’ve all grown up and know that “Press” means “Standing Overhead Barbell Press” or “Military Press”. Even Wendler calls it just “Press” these days. Now this calculator does too. November 23, 2014Added Boring But Big deload options from the Beyond 5/3/1 book.

November 22, 2014Added Boring But Big 5 × 5, 5 × 3, and 5 × 1 variations from the Beyond 5/3/1 book. November 20, 2014Added four more deload week options from the Beyond 5/3/1 book.

November 19, 2014Added two warm-up options: DeFranco Agile 8 and None. November 7, 2014Added the “Young Jim Wendler” routine from thanks to a user request.


Solid advice for young American football players.This also means I can add other templates with power cleans. Let me know which templates you want to see here. November 6, 2014Boring But Big sets across 65%, 70%, 75%, and 80% now available thanks to a user request. I didn’t know some of you are such extreme masochists. Be careful you don’t over do it. July 2, 2014The bar weight input in the form now allows you to enter any weight. Honest folks using 20 kg bars can enter 44 lbs.

Others at freaky gyms can enter 18.7 or whatever. February 23, 2014Check out the new for Brandon Lilly’s program. November 23, 2013Two great new features that make using the calculator easier than ever.First, the form now remembers all your data from the last time you clicked the “Calculate Program” button. A big time saver for you so that you don’t have to reenter all your maxes, plates, etc each time you use the calculator.Second, a special feature for coaches and training buddies: After clicking the “Calculate Program” you will now see a link directly to the program. You can copy this link (just right click and copy link) and send it to a client or friend.

When they follow that link, they will immediately see the program you have sent them. You can even save the link as a favorite or bookmark for yourself.Both of these new features were made possible by a donation. November 2, 2013Added Brad Kaczmarski’s new main lift programming option. Made possible by a donation. July 14, 2013Option to switch from 5/3/1 to 3/5/1 week ordering. Also, Boring But Big option to pair Squat work sets with BBB deadlift sets, etc.

July 12, 2013Folks are excited about the Beyond 5/3/1 program. It isn’t really 5/3/1 at all so doesn’t fit into this calculator.See the new! July 12, 2013First Set Last: Multiple Sets options from Wendler’s new book are now available in the calculator. What do want to see added to the Black Iron Beast calculator? July 11, 2013Pyramid and First Set Last options from Wendler’s new book are now available in the calculator. July 10, 2013Joker sets have been the hottest request from Wendler’s new book are now available in the calculator. June 25, 2013Get Wendler’s new book Which templates do you want added to the Black Iron Beast calculator?

April 17, 2013Added the Bastard option to do the work sets in reverse from.Added a non-Wendler 5/3/1 template called. This is a two week template that skips the 3’s week and the deload week. Possibly good for someone in the early intermediate stage. April 2, 2013A feature requested by several users. This calculator does not explain the program or why you might make certain choices.

The book explains how to do the exercises properly, how to choose your assistance work, how to progress each month, and what to do if your progress stalls  and Wendler needs your cash for another tattoo. Enter your current maximum lift numbers in the form below. Click the “Calculate Program” button. this page. Crank some Black Sabbath. Do not underestimate the importance of this step.

Lift weights. Get stronger.To use this calculator, you must enable JavaScript in your browser. TemplatePick your poison!Boring But Big (most popular)Boring But Big 3 Month Challenge (from )Triumvirate (smart man’s program)I’m Not Doing Jack Shit (not recommended)Periodization BibleBodyweight (less body stress, more athletic)Young Jim Wendler (from )Simplest StrengthFull Body, Full BoringFull Body TrainingTwo Days Per Week Option 1Two Days Per Week Option 2More SquattingFor BeginnersOffseason For Mass (from )Offseason For Strength (from )Offseason For Conditioning (from )Bodybuilder (from )Bodybuilder (from and )Beach Body Challenge (from )Building the Monolith NEW!