Remove National Spirit Hoi4
How To Remove National Spirit Hoi4 With Commands
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Console Command to remove national spirit? Playing as the US in Kaiserrich and I load back in and get the Great Depression NS, I can't get rid of it, because I already did the focus for it. I did remove the Magic of Friendship, but I honestly don't know if it's a prerequisite for the Daybreaker event or not. It probably is, though; I don't see a fascist, warmongering Equestria with 'Magic of Friendship' as a national spirit. I've been meaning to play as Nightmare Moon, the Griffon Empire and the River Federation for a while now. “Combined Chiefs of Staff Representation” is a weaker version of the British “Chiefs of Staff Committee” national spirit, and the “Fourth Ally” gives dockyards in Java and Sumatra and a 10% increase in dockyard output, allowing the Dutch to pull their own weight more in that theater of the war.