Fallout 4 Doctor Who Average ratng: 3,9/5 6156 votes

Misc A Fallout 4 Doctor Who mod is now in beta! From the mod author of 'Fallout Who Vegas'. Just remember you don't need a 2000$ pc to run fallout 4. So not sure if this is even on the Fallout reddit but how does this mod work and what does it do. I can see we get a Tardis but do you wonder around aimlessly and comments suggested. The Doctor offered, unsure if he would taste the ancient wine or stay with his choice of blood but the Time Lord Smiled when he agreed to take The Doctors offer. The Doctor passed him the glass as Vance picked it up, inhaled the strong aroma of the wine before taking a sip.


Welcome back to my mod spotlight series for Fallout 4.

Nexusmods Fallout 4 Doctor Who Xbox

Contents.General information In the there are few doctors who may restore, purge, cure and sell medical supplies.List of doctors Here is a list of doctors in the.NameLocationFaction (required )RestoresPurgesCuresMerchantNotesRoving caravan/-YesYesYesYesEast of-YesYesYesNo-Knight-CaptainTheYesYesYesYes-YesYesYesYes-,-NoNoNoYes-YesYesYesYes-YesYesYesNo-YesYesYesYes-CovenantYesYesYesYes-,-YesYesYesYes-Roving caravan/-YesYesYesYes-YesYesYesNo-,-YesYesYesYes.